Core Cities UK is politically led by the elected leaders and mayors of our eleven cities. Our Chair is currently Mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees.
The Core City UK Chief Executives along with our Policy Advisor Group also meet regularly to guide our work programme.
In early 2022, our Cabinet agreed new priorities for the group, following an in-depth review of our work.
These are:
1.Economy: tackling productivity, inclusive growth, Covid / city centre recovery, wellbeing, deprivation and inequality, and innovative financing models.
2.Climate Change: working with the UK Cities Climate Investment Commission to deliver Net Zero as an investment and jobs dividend, tackling Air Quality, adaptation and ensuring a Just Transition.
3.International: using City Diplomacy to extend our UK-wide and global reach, boost Trade & Investment creating a ‘whole-UK’ offer, working with cities internationally, Eurocities and the G7-U7 (Urban 7) dialogue
4.Infrastructure: Increasing Housing numbers, sustainability and quality, Active Transport, strengthened Transport Hubs, improved digital connectivity, developing finance and investment models to do so
5.Urban health and wellbeing: seeing this as a first order economic issue, increasing health and employment through public service innovation and understanding the importance of vibrant, culturally rich cities.