Cllr Dyer was born and raised in Bristol and joined the Green Party in 2008.
Cllr Dyer was born and raised in Bristol and joined the Green Party in 2008.
He has represented the Southville Ward as a local Councillor since 2021. Appointed as Leader of the Council on 21 May 2024, he is the political figurehead of Bristol City Council and represents the interests of the council at a community, regional, national and international level. He has a comprehensive working background in IT consultancy, data analytics, and business, delivering large scale projects for multiple organisations and specific interest and expertise in local government finances, housing, and urban planning.
Tony comes from a working class background and grew up in a deprived area of the City, giving him a valuable insight into understanding the importance of ensuring nobody gets left behind. As a Councillor, Tony chaired the Councils Overview & Scrutiny Management Board, sat on the Housing Management Board and the Local Plan Working Group.