A number of our leaders and mayors have written to PM Boris Johnson calling for a minimum standards on lockdown support packages.
A number of our leaders and mayors have written to PM Boris Johnson calling for a minimum standards on lockdown support packages.
We are increasingly concerned by Government’s approach to Tiered Lockdowns, the profound damage it is causing to our economies and the rising levels of frustration across our communities.
This is not a moment for centralised command and control, but instead to work with us, to empower those who know their places best to act. We need dialogue and tailored solutions, not one size fits all.
Our aim is to work with Government to combat the pandemic, but the tools offered are inadequate, and support is not being made available equally and transparently to each place.
Our recent Five Point Plan has clearly not been adopted by Government, and as we move into Tiered Lockdowns, it is critical that minimum standards for support are urgently met.
Cities in Tier Two are experiencing immediate economic hardship as a result of Lockdown and also need support packages to prevent further harm to business and jobs. Support must include: locally flexible funds to support business and livelihoods in Tier Two and Three; resourced, local Test and Trace; furlough support that does not fall below the minimum wage; and further local powers to enforce compliance.